CS371p Spring 2021: Luca Chaves Rodrigues Noronha dos Santos

What did you do this past week?

This past week I worked extensively on sending out job applications and on interview prep, as well as on Darwin, and a few assignments for other classes.

What’s in your way?

I have to work harder on honing my ability to code under time constraints.

What will you do next week?

Keep applying for internships and preparing for interviews, as well as finishing Darwin and hopefully getting a solid amount of work done for my game.

If you read it, what did you think of the Why getter and setter methods are evil?

Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to read this week’s paper yet.

What was your experience of vector, move constructor, move assignment, and allocator? (this question will vary, week to week)

Vectors, in particular, are structures with which I felt like I had gained a fair amount of experience. Exploring the intricacies of how each one of its available constructors and other methods work, however, has proven me very much wrong, especially when it comes down to C++ classes in general. Typename templates and default initialization values (for primitives and objects ) were two of the concepts that interested me the most, particularly due to their practicality.

Move assignments and move constructors were two mechanisms that I did not even know were possible, so it was very interesting to gain more insight into their use cases and functionality.

What made you happy this week?

As silly as this may sound, it seems like I managed to get a surprising amount of sleep last week, at least what it feels like much more than usual.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

When applying to jobs be sure to research exactly what the position you are applying for is, and what it requires! This might seem obvious but I have seen software engineering friends unknowingly applying to data science/analysis positions before and vice versa! If you possess a fair amount of experience with both, or any other myriad of CS skillsets this might not be as much of an issue, but if your interests lie in a specific field within the industry be careful!

